DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 04/05/04


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– Sketch of Thor –

April 5, 2004 – I'm working on a new story about a six-year-old Great Dane named Thor. I heard about Thor through a friend who was working closely with his owner, Joe, to find him a new home. Joe was – and is – too ill to continue caring for Thor so he made the difficult (but loving) decision to give him up. My veterinarian and her husband had been toying with the idea of adding a Dane to their family, so I told them about Thor. One thing led to another, and five weeks ago Thor moved to Columbia, SC, to live with Dr. Nori Warren and her husband, Will.

Much has happened since then. I will tell you more next week, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I'm developing a formal portrait of Thor based on a series of photographs I took when he dropped by for a visit. This week's DaDane is just an initial sketch/study (by me), but I like it because I feel it reveals Thor's gentle personality.

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(803) 783-3169   

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