DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 08/28/06


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— One Door Closes, Another Opens —

August 28, 2006 – Many of you will remember Hector (pictured above), the gentle rescue who suffered from Addison's disease and was adopted last year by our veterinarian, Nori Warren, and her husband Will. (See Hector's story here.) Hector won the Warrens' hearts the very moment they met him. Less than a year later, Hector broke their hearts when he succumbed to Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). He was diagnosed just 8 months after adoption and died after a three-month struggle with the disease.

Hector's death was devastating to the Warrens. Nori once told me Hector had become such an important member of the family that she just couldn't imagine life without him. That sentiment was particularly true for Will, I suspect, because Will and Hector shared such a strong bond. Hector had a great capacity to love and his love for Will was boundless. Simply put, Hector adored Will. I doubt any dog has loved a person more than Hector loved Will. Although Hector felt great affection for Nori, Will was his "chosen person," and that was that.

Hector's death was so difficult for Will that for a long time he would not consider adopting another Dane, even though Nori was more than willing. Then one day Marc Sayer contacted the Warrens about a four-year-old Dane in Tennessee who had turned up in rescue. Her name was Annie, and just like Hector, Annie had Addison's Disease. This meant she had slim chance of adoption. Would Nori and Will consider taking her? As you can see below, the answer was yes.

Annie moved in with the Warrens three weeks ago. She settled into her new home quickly, making friends with her new "sister" Belle (an aging chocolate lab) and charming the neighborhood children. When I met Annie she was surprisingly affectionate, especially since I was a total stranger. I had brought along a wiggly-giggly toy to keep Annie animated while I took photos, but it turned out she was plenty animated on her own. She went wild over the wiggly-giggly and she had lots to say about it when it "went away" because she is quite the talker. (Her commentary was hilarious.) As I was leaving, Will announced they were heading right out to the pet store that very minute to buy Annie a wiggly giggly of her own, and that's exactly what they did. Clearly, just like Hector before her, Annie has landed in a wonderful home.

Canine Addison's Disease
The Great Dane Club of America is seeking Great Danes to participate in the "Genetics of Canine Addison's Disease" project at UC Davis. Any and all Great Danes are encouraged to participate, however, Danes coming from families with at least one Addison-diagnosed family member are especially needed. Please take the time to read about this worthy research project:

To learn more about canine Addison's, a wonderful place to start is at Catherine's Place
where you will find a treasure trove of facts, files, links and data relating to the disease.

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