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NalasMom @ 9:06AM | Mar 7th 2005|

Have a Great (Safe) Trip...I know we'll all want to see pictures when you're home again. I'll keep a good thought for you and your husband. Nala's Mom

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marie @ 2:32PM | Mar 8th 2005|

have a great trip Ginnie! It's great you can take advantage of these travel opportunities, I love to travel. send pictures!

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Jenny @ 9:13AM | Mar 10th 2005|

I hope you have a wonderful time. I have had the wonderful opportunity of visiting India, and I know you will have a great vacation. Don't forget to visit the Ganges. It is truly an awesome and blessed river.

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Jill @ 8:43AM | Mar 11th 2005|

Working as a nurse, I've had the honor to work with a great many Indian-born physicians. They speak so fondly of their homeland - hope you enjoy!

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Rajesh Katyal @ 11:22PM | Mar 11th 2005|

Hello!! I am a diehard Dane lover from India and am thrilled to learn that ur here. I have mailed you with no reply from ur side....soo sad for me.Anyways if you read this you might get in touch.I have mailed you on ginnie@ginnie.com I hope this is the correct address?? I hope I get lucky with your reply

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